

Kathleen’s small classes (max of 12) are held in a beautiful studio, where it’s just you, your body and a few other students practicing together. In a peaceful setting personal attention and individual goals are supported by an experienced, knowledgeable and compassionate teacher.

Viniyoga emphasizes the link of body, breath and mind, incorporating postures, breathing, sometimes sound, and reflection. The practices include that larger purpose of traditional yoga…to reduce suffering on all levels, not only in the body.


  • Improved posture and balance
  • Increased muscular strength
  • Greater breathing capacity
  • Increased flexibility
  • Sharper mental focus
  • Improved sleep
  • Overall sense of well-being
    • …and so much more

I love Kathleen’s class. At the end of each one I feel like I’ve had a workout and a massage!

—Anna W.



Emphasis in postures is on the function and feel of the posture rather than how it looks. Postures are adapted to each individual

Bodies move in and out of postures before holding

Movement is linked to the breath

Practices are sequenced to prepare for and balance each posture and to provide an effect that is appropriate for time of day and the specific group of students. (Individual issues are taken into account and included in the general sequence when possible.)

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Class begins with…

  • A quick survey of any specific needs at the moment (practice for these will be sequenced into the practice if possible)
  • Opening Sanskrit chant to honor the Krishnamacarya lineage
  • Breath/mind centering
  • Linking breath and movement in gentle asana to warm and loosen the body

Then moves into practicing asana (postures)…

  • Here the emphasis is on each student’s stability and comfort rather than a specific and uniform form for everyone. The practice is sequenced to prepare and balance each asana Breath linked to movement provides that rare and profound experience of focused mind/ body/breath.

And finally ends with…

  • Short pranayama practice.
    • Breathing techniques appropriate for time of day/evening and needs of the students present.
  • Brief reflection/meditation/centering.
  • Relaxation.

You will leave class refreshed, relaxed…and calm.

I started yoga with Kathleen in my 50’s, over 10 years ago. I was never very limber, so I figured yoga wasn’t for me. Turns out yoga with Kathleen was never about how far I could bend, but instead about how well I could learn to work with the body I have. What a relief!

I happily recommend Yoga with Kathleen Miller to anyone who wants to keep their mind and breath engaged with their moving body. She is wonderful and teaches everyone at their own speed.

—Nancy C.

Kathleen leads us through our movements with clarity, gentleness and humor. As more than one of us has said, “this class has changed my life.”

—Polly F.